Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It's been really long since I could blog.
There's either been too many stuff to blog about and I'm lazy to do it or there's nothing really special in particular to blog about.
Most times its the first option.

but I should blog more often because now I really have a reason to
kay since its the first time I'm here after so long, it'd not be pleasant to start ranting right?

but she just gets on my nerves!!!:(:(:(
and lest you think i'm unreasonable- how would you like having your reputation slandered and smeared a good thousand times over and over
the worst thing is- none of those irritating actions were performed by me:(:(

and she just refuses to correct them-that's the worst part of all, worst than the worst thing I just mentioned earlier.
It doesn't make sense but you get my point.:(((((((((((((((